Do you have a favorite number? Have you noticed that the same numbers come up repeatedly in the course of your day, week, or year? What do numbers mean and why do they appear?
Sometimes, the number you see is connected to something or someone. For example, the birth date of a departed relative may appear randomly on a digital clock, license plate, or address. This gives the reassurance that their energy is around you. A common number combination is 11/11 which is a master energy number representing angelic presence or guidance.
You may have a lucky number with which you feel a particular resonance. You may feel that it brings you luck or some kind of positive energy. Numbers carry energy, each one having its own meaning. So, when you see certain numbers, you can discern a meaning or message that you were meant to receive. For example, if you started seeing “5”s everywhere, then maybe change is around the corner. If your dad passed and his birthday is in May, the “5”s could be a message that he is around you.
A friend of mine went for a cup of coffee one day and while walking back to the car saw a $2 bill land at his feet. Within a few seconds, another and another landed at his feet. He called me and asked what the possible meaning of this could be. What I saw was “2” for relationship, plus “2” equaling “4” for father energy, and “2” more totaling “6” for family responsibility and love. I explained it was a message from his father. He said that he sensed it was his father but wanted a second opinion. Numbers work in mysterious ways.
Below, is a brief snapshot of the meaning of each number up to “9”. Numbers flow in cycles of nine:
1= New beginnings, opportunities, creative
spark, leadership
2= Partnership, relationship, cooperation,
attention to detail, giving/receiving,
mother energy
3= Friendships, self-expression, luck,
4= Stability, structure, home, tradition,
service, “salt of the earth”, father energy
5= Change, freedom, travel, public
dealings, curiosity
6= Family, love, marriage, pregnancy,
divorce, responsibility, creating beauty
7= Spirit, trust, open heart, expertise,
teaching, secrets, wisdom
8=Authority, power, balance in all pursuits
money in/out, real estate,
expansion/growth, karma
9=Compassion, tolerance, forgiveness,
humanitarian pursuits, spiritual
growth, legal matters, endings
If you want to take these meanings a step further, add up the numbers you see and find the deeper meanings. For example, when my friend saw the 2+2+2, we looked at the “2”, “4”, and “6” meanings. Follow your intuition. Remember that numbers are not only symbols that carry an energetic meaning but also intuitive triggers that tap into our soul knowledge. Open your heart and interpret what you see by letting your mind and heart work together, using the left and right sides of your brain. Trust your gut and let the images and information flow. Relax and enjoy the experience!