Numbers By Milissa!

Numerology is an excellent tool to help you know yourself better. It reflects your soul’s growth and potential in this lifetime. Your energetic blueprint and core energy with which you entered this lifetime is found in the numerical vibration in your name and birthdate.
An InnerSoul Numerology
session reveals your Soul/Life Purpose, Destiny, Inner Motivation, Personality, personal qualities, karma, and energetic trends through the interpretation of your birthdate and birth certificate name. Your birthdate identifies your Life Path which reveals your major life lesson. It forms a life-map, indicating experiences and opportunities available to you, as well as, challenges to overcome which help you maximize your learning in this lifetime. Four key times are identified that mark potential turning points in your life.
Your birth name energy expresses your Destiny, how you need to express yourself in this lifetime. The vowels reveal what motivates you and the consonants how you present yourself to others. Your karma, strengths and weaknesses, potential imbalances, emotional tendencies, and what you need to feel secure are expressed as well.
An InnerSoul Numerology Consultation will help you to:
~Understand your life purpose
~Validate your life experiences
~Know what you need to release/let go of to achieve success
~Identify your talents, challenges, and opportunities
~Gain insight into yourself and your relationships with others
~Chart energetic trends in your life, forecasting the timing of current life events to include
relationships, moves, business ventures, and job opportunities
Additional sessions can be used to explore:
~Relationship compatibility
~Analysis of office, building, home, and phone number energies
~Analysis and choice or change of names for self, children,
businesses, products/branding
Did you know...
Numbers have been energetically interpreted throughout history in many cultures. Egypt and Babylon are recognized as having the earliest recorded history of numerology. There is evidence of the use of numerology thousands of years ago in China, Rome, Japan, and Greece. The Kabbalah and the Bible both have numerical references. The credit for modern numerology, however, is most often given to the Greek philosopher Pythagoras. Also know as the "father of numerology", Pythagoras taught the mystical meaning of numbers. He and his followers believed that there is an energetic vibration in numbers that correlates to everything in the universe. He believed that the entire universe could be expressed through numbers, creating order from chaos.