InnerSoul Coach

Milissa Castanza-Seymour M.S
This is Bear, my client and companion!
His allergy related staff infection healed after using hydrosols and essential oils!
I love guiding clients on a path of spiritual connection and well-being!
My involvement in metaphysical studies and healing arts for over 30 years has been a life-changing experience for me. It has increased my own self-awareness and understanding of how much control we have in our lives to create wellness, peace, and authentic relationships.
We aren't taught how to practice self-care, discover our true purpose, or how to form lasting connections yet these are the very skills that we need to thrive, not just survive. My studies and experiences have led me to utilize varied holistic strategies to coach and mentor clients to manage stress and bring soul growth into daily practice. Clients move north of neutral to flourishing beyond the humdrum day to day feeling of status quo. They connect to their deeper selves as they develop an awareness that they are already whole and capable.
The process of ManifestMindful Mindsets™ came about after many years of study and work with clients of all ages and walks of life. It includes interventions and concepts from research-based Applied Positive Psychology Life Coaching, soul-centered Numerology, Mindfulness, Energy Work, Meditation techniques, Yoga Breathing, Aromatherapy, and Ayurvedic health principles that support clients on their path to wholeness and well-being.
InnerSoul Coaching applies a unique blend of mentoring and coaching skills to meet my client's needs. Whether it's managing stress, finding life purpose, developing personal wellness practices, or goal setting for enhanced well-being, clients expand their awareness and get "unstuck" by creating the life they want with compassionate support and guidance. Clients can start with a Numerology reading to help them identify their soul's purpose which informs their life purpose. It can be a stand alone reading or part of a series of coaching sessions. It is very rewarding to support clients in finding their purpose and creating personalized wellness practices as they pursue their path to well-being!
I have been a professional, practicing Numerologist for over 20 years. After several years of study, I completed a series of tutorials with Kay Lagerquist, author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Numerology to refine my skills. Along with interpreting each client's chart, I sense energy and at times use evidential mediumship to connect to spirit and bring clients any information they need to hear. I do workshops, and speak professionally on Numerology as well.
My early understanding of healing work began with my grandmother who was a natural energy healer and intuitive that guided me onto this path. I have followed her path of receiving information from spirit through dreams and later through hearing, seeing and sensing guidance. She also taught me distance healing work which I use and integrate with my other energy healing practices. These skills have refined over many years and have brought comfort, understanding, and increased well-being to my clients, to include animals!
I began my formal studies in energy healing work in 1987 when I completed my first Reiki training and studied therapeutic touch, Chi Kung energy work, meditation and stress management techniques. I have since studied with teachers that have influenced my work through classes, workshops, and certification programs to include Jeff Migdow, Joseph LePage, Robyn Ross, Dolores Krieger, Tulku Thondup, Kala Iyengar, Alan Finger, Deepak Chopra, Carol Denicker, Kay Lagerquist, Pat Longo, Emiliya Zhivotovskaya, Andrea Butje, and Kelly Holland Azzaro.
My certifications include Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Prana Yoga Teacher through the NY Open Center in Manhattan, Integrative Yoga Therapist/Holistic Health Instructor (1,000 hrs.) at Kripalu and one-on-one with Joseph LePage, and HeartMath AddHeart Facilitator. I am a N.G.H. (National Guild of Hypnotists) certified Consulting Hypnotist with a specialty in Past Life Regression and have certifications as an Applied Positive Psychology Practitioner, A.P.P. Life Coach, B³ Resilience Trainer, Flourishing Skills Group Facilitator, and Positive Educator in partnership with GoZen! through the Flourishing Center in Manhattan. I am also a certified Chopra Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, Primordial Sound Meditation teacher, and trained Well-Being Coach.
Being an Aromatherapist certified by Aromahead Institute, I also work with clients addressing various ailments and supporting their soul purpose imbalances. These issues include stress management, arthritis pain, respiratory issues, headaches, skincare, vertigo, and energy balancing. My clients include people and pets! I am certified in animal aromatherapy and am currently completing an advanced certification in Animal Aromatherapy and Flower Essences through Ashi Therapy/Animal Aromatherapy.
Long Island's holistic Creations Magazine has featured my articles for over ten years and I have taught professional/personal development workshops/trainings in Mindfulness, Meditation, Stress Management, Peaceful Conflict Resolution, Social-Emotional Literacy, Positive Psychology, Resilience training, Aromatherapy, and Numerology privately as well as in mainstream and holistic educational settings. I have a M.S. in Education with 90 credits post-graduate study in the fields of education, counseling, conflict resolution, stress management, and social-emotional literacy. As a N.Y.S. licensed teacher, my teaching career has spanned over 30 years. I live on Long Island with my husband and two little dogs.